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Teen Driver Safety: PocketFinder’s Proactive Solution Years in the Making


“The PocketFinder Teen Driver [is a] compact simple to use plug-in device utilizing the latest in science and technology for real time driver behavior feedback"

PocketFinder believes that putting the power in the hands of parents is the best way to protect their children. Our founder literally developed our first generation personal tracker for his own child’s safety. This idea of putting the power in the hands of the customer blossomed to families also using our devices on the vulnerable seniors in their life.

A cause PocketFinder supports year after year is reversing the trend of the “100 Deadliest Days”. During the summer months, teen deaths linked to car accidents spike to over 1,000. And this is just deaths, not including all those injured and other damages caused. During these 100 Deadliest Days, more teens die in the US due to car accidents than the annual total of soldier deaths during the heights of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

Here are the facts:

  • Most fatal teen accidents happen just 6 months after getting their license.
  • Teen drivers represent about 6.4% of total drivers but account for 8% of ALL fatal accidents. 
  • Up to 2,400 teens in the US are killed in car accidents annually 
  • Up to 258,000 teens are injured in car crashes annually, requiring emergency room visits
  • Car crashes ending with teen deaths result in nearly $4.8 BILLION in medical and work-loss costs annually

PocketFinder wants to be part of the solution in reversing teen driver related deaths and injuries 365 days a year. Parents and new drivers need something that not only alerts them to troublesome driving behavior, but can also coach their young driver in real time.

PocketFinder now has the solution: The PocketFinder Teen Driver. This compact, simple to use device utilizes the latest in science and technology for real time driver behavior feedback allowing your teen driver to continue honing their safe driving skills. Utilizing the science and technology of PocketFinder will play a significant role in improving their driving habits and safety on the road. We want to keep your teen driver safe all while improving their driving skills and deflecting any pressure towards risky driving behavior.

The device itself will beep when your teen driver makes a sharp turn, hard brakes, quickly accelerates, or drives 5mph+ over the posted speed limit. This real-time feedback allows your teen to quickly refocus and adjust their actions to safer driving practices. You as the parent are sent an alert and can view their current location data as well as a History of any Alerts that occurred. This way, you can review their driving after the fact as well and focus on any repetitive or troublesome areas. 

The only way to reverse the trend of teen driver related deaths and injuries is to take action that builds on itself. With the PocketFinder Teen Driver, safe driving habits become second nature. Perfecting good driving skills as a teen sets them up as a safe driver for life. With PocketFinder, your family’s data is yours; this means the device can be passed down as a right of passage to younger siblings who are next in line to drive. With this unique solution, you can ensure your teen driver continues learning after “Driver’s Ed.” to fully master superb driving skills.

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